Adding… or taking away?

When you go about pursuing a new personal goal, like being more loving, living in health, growing your leadership, do you view it as a pursuit of something new?

Or do you tend to think about it in an exercise in “taking away”?

When it comes to being “more loving,” for example, Tara Mohr gave a great reminder that we already contain “loving” within us: we don’t need to “add” being loving. We already are, she says — it’s not about a lack, it’s more about what gets in the way.

What gets in the way of having the marriage or partner of your dreams?

What gets in the way of your financial performance matching what you know you would love, or that you’re capable of?

What gets in the way of the work experience you would LOVE to have, either at your life’s purpose or with the managers and roles you’re taking on currently as you build toward that future vision of time, purpose, and impact freedom?

By looking at what gets in the way, we can tap into a secondary pathway for reaching our greatest potential - not by constantly trying to add or fit in “more” to our already packed lives, but by thoughtfully considering what can be edited out - which tends to add more spaciousness, relaxation, calm, and release, once we’ve thoughtfully peeled apart the aspects of old habits or systems that actually aren’t serving the goals we’re stepping into.

Carving away what is no longer needed, thoughtfully and with humanity, is an epic way to make room for who you already are on the inside, that you’d like to enjoy more frequently as part of your external or day-to-day experience.


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